Depending on what you are submitting you might want to tag it. Though while tagging isn't required, it is reccomended since it would help with the filtering system we have here.

Click Save to write the file to the disk.Welcome to r/AutodeskInventor! This is an environment for sharing designs, code, and your knowledge of the Autodesk Inventor software.Select Source Units to make sure the size of the mesh is identical to the objects in the Inventor document,.

Solid/Surfaces: Converts the selected mesh features to multi-solids or individual surfaces.In the dialog box select the output you need and click OK.In the browser right-click the MeshFeature1 element and select Convert to Base Feature.To convert an STL mesh file to a solid model On the Applications tab select Autodesk Mesh Enabler.In the Tools menu select the Add-in Manager.Double click the downloaded AutodeskMeshEnabler.msi file and complete the installation.Install the Autodesk Inventor Mesh Enabler Install the Mesh Enabler add-in Download the Autodesk Inventor Mesh Enabler On the Translators tab select the STL Import and STL Export translators.In the Tools menu open the Add-in Manager.You can download most of them for free from the Internet. stl files add the STL Import and STL Export add-ins to Adobe Inventor.stl files are used to transfer 3D print designs between computers. To enable Autodesk Inventor to open and save.