Gas ejector design calculation xls
Gas ejector design calculation xls

gas ejector design calculation xls

Porta's 1974 paper (appendix 1 Ref 2) describing the theory of the Lempor ejector, and both of us had been intimidated by the complexity of the mathematics used. The benefits of the Lempor exhaust had been widely described in the printed and electronic media, and an excellent summary of the technology has been subsequently prepared by Michael on his web pages (appendix 1 Ref 1). Both of us decided independently to fit our locomotives with a Lempor exhaust. Michael Guy in Toronto, Canada, and myself in Perth, Western Australia, both decided to build large 7.25" gauge Garratt locomotives.

gas ejector design calculation xls

INTRODUCTION by Richard Stuart This spreadsheet originated with two live steam locomotive projects, commenced without knowledge of each other, on opposite sides of the world.

Gas ejector design calculation xls